您所在的位置:首页 > 通信与网络 > 设计应用 > 面向低功耗无线传感器网络的智能拓扑控制算法
倪 磊,李晓钰,张 勇
成都工业学院 网络与通信工程学院,四川 成都610400
摘要: 降低无线传感器节点能耗是当下拓扑算法研究的重点。通过对功率控制型算法进行研究后发现,现有算法忽略多跳中继区域问题,从而增加节点的能耗。因此提出面向低功耗的智能拓扑控制算法,该算法通过收集各节点功耗反馈信息后形成最大邻近节点拓扑,遍历所有邻近节点后选择能量消耗最小的路径。对网络连通性、节点度和能量消耗等性能指标仿真分析,算法能够消除不合理的多跳,降低每个节点的最大发射功率,维护全网络的连通性,理论上具有一定的实际应用价值。
中图分类号: TN915.01
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 倪磊,李晓钰,张勇. 面向低功耗无线传感器网络的智能拓扑控制算法[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(11):79-81,86.
英文引用格式: Ni Lei,Li Xiaoyu,Zhang Yong. Intelligent topology control in low power wireless sensor networks[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(11):79-81,86.
Intelligent topology control in low power wireless sensor networks
Ni Lei,Li Xiaoyu,Zhang Yong
School of Network & Communication Engineering,Chengdu Technological University,Chengdu 610400,China
Abstract: Reducing the energy consumption of wireless sensor nodes is the focus of intelligent algorithm research. This paper studies the power control algorithm and finds that the existing algorithm ignores the problem of multi-hop relay area, which increases the energy consumption of nodes. Therefore, this paper proposes a low-power intelligent topology control algorithm. The algorithm collects the feedback information of each node′s power consumption, forms the topology of the largest neighboring node, traverses all neighboring nodes, and selects the path with the least energy consumption. The algorithm can eliminate unreasonable multi-hop, reduce the maximum transmission power of each node, and maintain the connectivity of the whole network. In theory, the algorithm has certain practical application value.
Key words : wireless senor network;RBTC;node degree;low power consumption

0 引言


    目前提出的拓扑控制算法一般是针对网络拓扑的某一方面进行了优化设计。文献[2]中算法未考虑网络负载平衡、网络的整体能耗水平和网络中单一节点能量状态带来的影响;文献[3]最小生成树算法(MSTP)和文献[4]邻近图算法(DRNG)都忽略了多跳中继区域问题,从而增加了节点的能耗;文献[5]中算法易形成节点孤岛,影响网络的连通性,无法保障数据传送的可靠性[5-6];文献[7]算法未考虑通信开销和网络的鲁棒性问题。本文通过对多跳中继区域的分析,设计一种智能拓扑控制算法RBTC(Relay-Based Topology Control Algorithm)。通过分析得出,该算法不仅能消除不合理多跳,而且降低最小路径损耗和发射功率。



倪  磊,李晓钰,张  勇

(成都工业学院 网络与通信工程学院,四川 成都610400)
