您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 能源互联网中需求侧资源参与电网控制的边云协同技术研究
潘明明1, 田世明1,刘宗杰2,袁金斗1,陈宋宋1
中国电力科学研究院有限公司 需求侧多能互补优化与供需互动技术北京市重点实验室,北京100192; 2.国网山东省电力公司济宁供电公司,山东 济宁272000
摘要: 能源互联网技术能够实现需求侧可调节电力负荷资源与输配电资源、发电资源的信息融通,发挥需求侧可调节电力负荷在电网供需平衡调节中的价值效益。通过整合需求侧资源参与电网不同控制模式的优缺点,提出了一种以电网侧云平台为主导、聚合商内部分散协同加用户侧边缘控制主动响应的能源互联网供需资源协调控制框架及方法,能够有效提高可调负荷资源响应电网调度的灵活性与快速性。
中图分类号: TN915
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 潘明明, 田世明,刘宗杰,等. 能源互联网中需求侧资源参与电网控制的边云协同技术研究[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(4):24-29.
英文引用格式: Pan Mingming,Tian Shiming,Liu Zongjie,et al. Research on cloud edge coordination technology of demand side resources participating in system control within Energy Internet[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(4):24-29.
Research on cloud edge coordination technology of demand side resources participating in system control within Energy Internet
Pan Mingming1,Tian Shiming1,Liu Zongjie2,Yuan Jindou1,Chen Songsong1
1.Beijing Key Laboratory of Demand Side Multi-Energy Carriers Optimization and Interaction Technique, China Electric Power Research Institute,Beijing 10092,China; 2.State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company,Jining 272000,China
Abstract: Energy Internet technology can realize the information fusion of demand side adjustable power load resources, transmission and distribution resources, power generation resources, and play the value benefits of demand side adjustable power load in peak load and frequency regulationof power grid. In this paper, by integrating the advantages and disadvantages of different control modes for demand side resources, a framework and method of decentralized collaborative control within demand side resource cluster and regional grid coordinated control is proposed, which can effectively improve the flexibility and rapidity of adjustable resource response grid frequency regulation.
Key words : Energy Internet;adjustable load;grid regulation;load aggregation;edge computing

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潘明明1, 田世明1,刘宗杰2,袁金斗1,陈宋宋1

(中国电力科学研究院有限公司 需求侧多能互补优化与供需互动技术北京市重点实验室,北京100192;

2.国网山东省电力公司济宁供电公司,山东 济宁272000)
