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韩宇龙1,肖 青2,柳耀勇1,孙东昱1,王政宏1
1.中移物联网有限公司 集成电路创新中心,北京100037;2.芯昇科技有限公司,江苏 南京210018
摘要: 针对物联网卡非法流通现象严重、监管溯源工作困难的问题,运用区块链为核心技术,结合物联网技术,设计物联网卡安全流转方法和系统。该系统由区块链系统、信息系统、区块链终端、微信小程序组成,安全流转过程包括卡信息初始录入、转出申请、转入确认和溯源查询。该系统采用智能合约实现流转过程规则,分布式存储信息摘要和物权变更信息,数据库集中式存储物联网卡ICCID号段和信息摘要对应关系,SE-SIM实现终端密钥存储和数字签名。经试点验证和分析,该系统能够保证溯源数据安全可信,兼顾批量并发性能,并提高监管效率。
中图分类号: TN914;TP302.1
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 韩宇龙,肖青,柳耀勇,等. 基于区块链的物联网卡安全流转方法研究[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(12):110-115.
英文引用格式: Han Yulong,Xiao Qing,Liu Yaoyong,et al. IoT card secure transfer method research based on blockchain[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(12):110-115.
IoT card secure transfer method research based on blockchain
Han Yulong1,Xiao Qing2,Liu Yaoyong1,Sun Dongyu1,Wang Zhenghong1
1.IC Innovation Center,China Mobile IoT Company Limited,Beijing 100037,China; 2.Xinsheng Technology Company Limited,Nanjing 210018,China
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of IoT card, such as serious illegal circulation, difficult supervise and traceability, an IoT card secure transfer method and system are designed. The system includes a blockchain subsystem, an information subsystem, some blockchain devices and a WeChat applet, and its secure transfer procedure includes initial entry of card information, transfer out application, transfer in application and traceability queries. Blockchain smart contract is used to implement circulating traceability rules, blockchain is used to implement distributed storage of message digest and possession change information, database is used to implement centralized storage of correspondence between IoT card ICCID number range and message digest, and SE-SIM is used to implement device key storage and digital signature. Through actual pilot application and analysis,the system can ensure the safety and credibility of traceability data, consider the batch concurrency performance, and improve the efficiency of supervision.
Key words : blockchain;IoT card;secure transfer;message digest;SE-SIM

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韩宇龙1,肖  青2,柳耀勇1,孙东昱1,王政宏1

(1.中移物联网有限公司 集成电路创新中心,北京100037;2.芯昇科技有限公司,江苏 南京210018)

