您所在的位置:首页 > 电子元件 > 设计应用 > 星敏感器DC-DC浪涌抑制电路的EMC分析设计
何泽志1,2,3,钟建勇1,2,吴 威1,2
1.中国科学院空间光电精密测量技术重点实验室,四川 成都610209; 2.中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川 成都610209;3.中国科学院大学,北京100049
摘要: 对某型号星敏感器的浪涌抑制电路作了简要介绍,针对现有浪涌抑制电路设计方法提出了一种电路性能最佳的元器件参数分析计算方法。从电路功能的稳定实现和电路的电磁兼容性两个方面入手,分析了浪涌抑制电路中关键器件的选型分析,并通过理论分析和试验仿真验证,证明了文中提出的兼容性分析思路所得出的器件选型在给定的设计条件下具有有效性和正确性,同时为其他分系统的浪涌抑制设计提供参考,从而提高整个星上电子设备的可靠性。
中图分类号: TP273
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 何泽志,钟建勇,吴威. 星敏感器DC-DC浪涌抑制电路的EMC分析设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(8):135-139.
英文引用格式: He Zezhi,Zhong Jianyong,Wu Wei. Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of DC-DC surge suppression circuit for star sensor[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(8):135-139.
Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of DC-DC surge suppression circuit for star sensor
He Zezhi1,2,3,Zhong Jianyong1,2,Wu Wei1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Optoelectronic Precision Measurement,CAS,Chengdu 610209,China; 2.The Institute of Optics and Electronics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu 610209,China; 3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
Abstract: The paper is introducing the surge suppression circuit of a star sensor briefly. According to the design methods existing of surge suppression circuit, a component parameter analysis and calculation method with the best circuit performance is proposed. Starting with the stable realization of the circuit function and the electromagnetic compatibility of the circuit, this paper analyzes the selection and analysis of the key devices in the surge suppression circuit. Through theoretical analysis and experimental simulation, it is proved that the device selection obtained by the compatibility analysis idea proposed in this paper is effective and correct under the given design conditions. At the same time, it provides a reference for the surge suppression design of other subsystems, so as to improve the reliability of the whole on-board electronic equipment.
Key words : star sensor;surge current;surge suppression circuit

0 引言

    星敏感器是一种具有极高测量精度的姿态测量仪器,因其较强的抗干扰能力和易实现自主导航的特点,是目前卫星等航天器上最主要的姿态测量仪[1]。由于卫星等航天器一般由太阳能电池等蓄电池供电,是一种直流电源,以卫星为例,其为星载设备提供的电源一般为28 V[2]或42 V的直流电源,即一次电源,故星上设备需采用DC-DC电路来将其转换为自身所需的电源。




何泽志1,2,3,钟建勇1,2,吴  威1,2

(1.中国科学院空间光电精密测量技术重点实验室,四川 成都610209;

2.中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川 成都610209;3.中国科学院大学,北京100049)

