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1.中国人民武装警察部队警官学院,四川 成都 610213;2.西安翔迅科技有限责任公司,陕西 西安 710000
摘要: 单兵战术考核是融合智能、技能、体能为一体的综合体现,目前常用战术训练的训练场地、器材千差万别,缺乏必要的规范与标准性。基于图像识别和光电检测技术设计实现了智能化的单兵战术训练考核系统,该系统主要利用多对光电传感器代替传统铁丝网对训练者的进入、离开、跃进、冲刺以及训练过程中的违规触碰信号进行采集、处理、实时显示,并结合视频图像识别技术,对战术动作加以比对,以判断训练者通过全部掩体的时间,动作要领是否规范。采用无线传输方式,将考核成绩传送至后台管理中心进行分析统计,用于提高单兵考核训练的时效性、准确性、公平性。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222882
中文引用格式: 于晓琳,张崇,尹文刚,等. 一种基于图像识别和光电检测的单兵战术训练考核系统[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(1):114-118.
英文引用格式: Yu Xiaolin,Zhang Chong,Yin Wengang,et al. A soldier tactical training and examination system based on image recognition and photoelectric detection[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(1):114-118.
A soldier tactical training and examination system based on image recognition and photoelectric detection
Yu Xiaolin1,Zhang Chong1,Yin Wengang1,Qin Ling2
1.Department of Information and Communication, Officers College of PAP, Chengdu 610213, China; 2.Xi'an Xiangxun Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710000, China
Abstract: Individual tactical assessment is a comprehensive reflection of intelligence, skills and physical fitness. Currently, the training sites and equipment commonly used in tactical training vary widely, lacking necessary norms and standards. Based on image recognition and photoelectric detection technique was used to implement the intelligent design individual tactics training evaluation system, the system is mainly used for photoelectric sensor instead of traditional barbed wire to training more enter, leave, jump, sprint training. In order to judge whether the time for the trainer to pass through all the shelters and whether the movement essentials are standard, the signal of illegal touch in the training process is collected, processed and displayed in real time. Combined with the video image recognition technology, the tactical movements are compared to judge. Wireless transmission method is adopted to send the assessment results to the background management center for analysis and statistics, which is used to improve the timeliness, accuracy and fairness of the individual soldier assessment training.
Key words : soldier tactics;image recognition;photoelectric perception;wireless transmission

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    近年来, 围绕单兵战术训练的研究不断取得新的进展[1-2]。但是,常用的战术训练器材在不同程度上仍存在一些不足。一般战术地桩网上铺架铁丝网(即铁蒺藜),初学练习时背部极易被其刮伤。训练者被倒钩网刮住后,自己不易摘除,必须他人辅助,影响训练成绩,消耗训练时间,降低训练效率,且影响受训者心理。考核采用秒表计时,不够精确,易受人为因素影响,导致较大计时误差。考评人员对动作完成质量只能进行定性评定,无法进行定量客观评定。参训人员的身份无法识别,容易出现替考、代考等现象。训练考核结果数据,如参训人员的运动数据需要人工记录存储,记录的数据还需要标明训练人员身份。这一过程工作量大且效率低下,手工记录的数据的后期处理工作量大,无法满足现代化、网络化的训练需求[3-4]




(1.中国人民武装警察部队警官学院,四川 成都 610213;2.西安翔迅科技有限责任公司,陕西 西安 710000)

