您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于区块链与RISC-V实现物联网数据互联
郝向宇1,柳耀勇1,肖 青1,习 熹1,任晓明2
1.芯昇科技有限公司,江苏 南京210018;2.中国移动研究院,北京100053
摘要: 针对物联网特点与痛点,提出以区块链技术为核心、结合物联网技术并运用RISC-V架构实现区块链功能下沉至终端。通过芯片承载区块链的功能使得每一个终端成为区块链的节点,基于区块链的分布式这一特点,满足物联网终端节点功用。通过芯片从源头解决上链数据的可信,针对现有的区块链功能进行轻量化改造,使其符合芯片的硬件特性。通过RISC-V的模块化、高性能、可自定义的指令集实现芯片对于区块链功能的承载。经过合理的分析与例证,能够利用终端作为区块链节点的方式去解决物联网多样化的应用场景,满足安全可信的同时提高性能,降低成本。
中图分类号: TN919;TP302.1
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 郝向宇,柳耀勇,肖青,等. 基于区块链与RISC-V实现物联网数据互联[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(9):114-118.
英文引用格式: Hao Xianyu,Liu Yaoyong,Xiao Qing,et al. Achieve IoT data interconnection based on blockchain and RISC-V[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):114-118.
Achieve IoT data interconnection based on blockchain and RISC-V
Hao Xianyu1,Liu Yaoyong1,Xiao Qing1,Xi Xi1,Ren Xiaoming2
1.Xinsheng Technology Company Limited,Nanjing 210018,China; 2.China Mobile Communications Research Institute,Beijing 100053,China
Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics and pain points of the Internet of Things, it is proposed to take the blockchain technology as the core, combine the Internet of Things technology and use the RISC-V architecture to realize the sinking of the blockchain function to the terminal. The function of carrying the blockchain through the chip makes each terminal become a node of the blockchain, and the distributed characteristics of the blockchain are used to meet the terminal node functions of the Internet of Things. The chip is used to solve the credibility of the data on the chain from the source, and the existing blockchain functions are light-weighted to make it conform to the hardware characteristics of the chip. Through RISC-V′s modular, high-performance, and customizable instruction set, the chip carries the blockchain function. After reasonable analysis and examples, the terminal can be used as a blockchain node to solve the diversified application scenarios of the Internet of Things, which can improve performance and reduce costs while satisfying security and credibility.
Key words : blockchain;RISC-V;Internet of Things;function sinking

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    根据统计和预测,2020年全年中国物联网连接数量达到40亿,到2025年将增长至80.1亿次,5年增长2倍左右。全球物联网市场支出将从2020年7 420亿美元增长至2024年的1.138万亿美元,复合年均增长率为11.3%[1]。大量的连接数意味着数据价值作用凸显,我国推动数字经济发展的一个关键方式是合理利用价值化数据,加快推进数据价值化进程是发展数字经济的本质要求[2]。但数据要素的价值实现依赖于对数据资源的深度整合开发和利用,而“数据孤岛”妨碍了数据的整合、共享与互通。





郝向宇1,柳耀勇1,肖  青1,习  熹1,任晓明2

(1.芯昇科技有限公司,江苏 南京210018;2.中国移动研究院,北京100053)

