您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于FPGA的万兆以太网UDP协议通信接口设计
赵世超,左金印,魏 骁,赵 哲
摘要: 针对嵌入式设备迅速增长的数据传输需求,介绍了一种依托于现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)平台,以光纤为传输媒介的万兆UDP/IP协议通信接口模块,并探究引入分支预测机制对通信接口模块发送时延产生的影响。通过对现有网络接口层、网际层、传输层和应用层典型传输模型的深入研究,使用硬件描述语言,模块化设计ARP控制器、IP控制器和UDP控制器,实现完备的UDP/IP通信接口模块,并评估了引入分支预测机制对通信接口模块发送时延产生的影响。分析表明:该设计实现简单,适配嵌入式设备对高带宽、低延时、资源低占用的需求,具备自主维护ARP表的能力,支持多设备级联。该设计在高速数据采集、远距离信息传输、片上数据高速处理等应用场景具有积极的意义。
中图分类号: TN919
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 赵世超,左金印,魏骁,等. 基于FPGA的万兆以太网UDP协议通信接口设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(10):113-117,122.
英文引用格式: Zhao Shichao,Zuo Jinyin,Wei Xiao,et al. Design of 10 gigabit ethernet UDP communication module based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):113-117,122.
Design of 10 gigabit ethernet UDP communication module based on FPGA
Zhao Shichao,Zuo Jinyin,Wei Xiao,Zhao Zhe
National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China
Abstract: In order to solve the rapidly growing data transmission problem for embedded devices, this paper introduces a 10 gigabit UDP/IP protocol communication module, which relies on the Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) platform and uses optical fiber as the transmission medium,and explores the impact of introducing the branch prediction mechanism on the transmission delay of the communication interface module. Through in-depth research on the typical transmission model of the existing Open Systems Interconnection(OSI),using hardware description language, the ARP controller, IP controller and UDP controller are modularly designed to form a complete UDP/IP communication module. And the influence of introducing the branch prediction mechanism on the transmission delay of the communication module is evaluated. The analysis shows that the design is simple to implement and adapts to the requirements of embedded devices for high bandwidth, low latency and low resource occupation. It maintains the ARP table independently and supports multi-device cascading. It has positive significance in application scenarios such as high-speed data acquisition, long-distance information transmission, and high-speed processing of on-chip data.
Key words : FPGA;fiber-optic communication;10 gigabit ethernet;UDP/IP protocol;branch prediction

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    伴随万物互联时代的临近,计算机网络通信技术应用得到空前发展,嵌入式电子设备接入局域网的需求迅速增加。网路传输带宽不断提高也使得一些特定的领域对数据传输提出了更高的要求。远距离通信领域需要更高的数据传输带宽和更强的抗干扰能力,用于保障其通信的质量和可靠性。工业生产的数据采集系统需要更低的数据传输延迟和更大的数据吞吐容量,用于确保其数据的实时性和完整性。片上数据高速处理领域需要通用化的数据传输接口,用以增加其可扩展性。然而,嵌入式设备上广泛使用的CPU和MCU,碍于设计体积小、设计功耗低等原因,计算能力的提升速度并不像互联网带宽那样明显,并且其差距有进一步扩大的趋势[1]。过高的以太网数据传输速率会过度消耗CPU宝贵的计算资源。在服务器平台上,国外学者提出的TCP/IP卸载引擎(TCP Offload Engine)技术是被广泛接受的解决方案,即使用TOE芯片硬件网卡实现TCP/IP协议接口硬件化的技术来减轻CPU运行负担[2]。在嵌入式平台上,FPGA从仿真、优化到在线调试都很便捷,在不改变外围电路的情况下可综合出不同的电路功能,具有集成度高、设计灵活的优点,成为以太网协议硬件化平台的首选[3]



赵世超,左金印,魏  骁,赵  哲


