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基于NOR Flash的存算一体模拟乘加电路设计
丁士鹏,黄 鲁
(中国科学技术大学 微电子学院,安徽 合肥230026)
摘要: 提出一种基于NOR Flash的存算一体模拟乘加电路以及相应的偏置电路,运用NOR Flash工作于深线性区的I-V特性,实现模拟乘累加运算。通过将同一位线、不同字线的两个浮栅管上电流相减,实现其阈值电压差值与漏源电压的乘法运算。同时将同一字线、不同位线的浮栅管电流相加,实现乘法结果的加法运算。给出电路使NOR Flash位线电流相加、字线电流相减,将运算结果以伪差分的形式输出,仿真结果表明电路可以实现存算一体的模拟乘累加运算。
中图分类号: TN432
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.06.012
引用格式: 丁士鹏,黄鲁. 基于NOR Flash的存算一体模拟乘加电路设计[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(6):69-74.
Design of an analog multiply accumulate circuit based on NOR Flash
Ding Shipeng,Huang Lu
(College of Microelectronics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China)
Abstract: This article proposed a NOR Flash-based storage-calculation integrated analog multiply-accumulate circuit and the corresponding bias circuit, using the I-V characteristics of NOR Flash working in deep linear region to realize analog multiply-accumulate operations. Subtracting the current on the two floating gate tubes of the same bit line and different word line, the difference threshold voltage multiplied with the drain-source voltage. And the current on the floating gate tubes of the same word line and different bit lines were added together to realize the addition operation of the multiplication result. This article provided a circuit to add NOR Flash bit line current and subtract word line current, and output the calculation results in the form of pseudo-differential. The simulation result showed that the circuit can realize the analog multiply-accumulate operation of storing and calculating.
Key words : NOR Flash;storage and calculation;analog multiply and accumulate circuit

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在以冯·诺依曼为主流的存算分离架构中,计算单元与内存单元数据搬运的时延和功耗开销越来越成为深度学习神经网络所面临的一个严峻问题[2],严重制约着深度学习神经网络的应用。以应用深度学习神经网络的AlphaGo为例,其在进行每一局的围棋活动中,用电成本约为3 000美元[3],对于大多数智能设备而言,是无法接受的。面对传统存算架构在深度学习神经网络运算中的功耗与速度瓶颈,采用存算一体的架构成为现阶段解决带宽与功耗问题的一条有效途径。



丁士鹏,黄  鲁

(中国科学技术大学 微电子学院,安徽 合肥230026)
