您所在的位置:首页 > 电源技术 > 设计应用 > 基于场路耦合的反激变换器板级辐射研究
吴键澄1,杨 汝1,2,余连德3,揭 海1,刘佐濂3
1.广州大学 电子与通信工程学院,广东 广州510006;2.广州大学 机械与电气工程学院,广东 广州510006; 3.广州大学 物理与材料科学学院,广东 广州510006
摘要: 辐射干扰问题是制约电源产品高频化、小型化的因素之一。基于场路耦合的仿真思路,建立MOSFET的电磁场有限元模型和高频变压器的等效高频电路模型。结合从SIwave电磁仿真软件中提取的PCB网络参数,对一款5 W输出的反激变换器的板级辐射干扰进行联合仿真,并对比了两种高频变压器模型对远场仿真结果的影响。实验结果表明,在230 MHz以内的频段3 m远场仿真超标频点与实测吻合,验证了该仿真方法的正确性,且简化的变压器二电容模型具有更宽频带的适用性;所得到的近场电磁场分布表明MOSFET和变压器副边的整流二极管是主要的辐射源。
中图分类号: TN86
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 吴键澄,杨汝,余连德,等. 基于场路耦合的反激变换器板级辐射研究[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(7):5-11.
英文引用格式: Wu Jiancheng,Yang Ru,Yu Liande,et al. Research on board level radiation of flyback converter based on field circuit coupling[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(7):5-11.
Research on board level radiation of flyback converter based on field circuit coupling
Wu Jiancheng1,Yang Ru1,2,Yu Liande3,Jie Hai1,Liu Zuolian3
1.School of Electronics and Communication Engineering,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China; 2.School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China; 3.School of Phyhics and Materials Science,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China
Abstract: Radiation interference is one of the bottlenecks that restrict the high frequency and miniaturization of power products. Based on the simulation idea of field circuit coupling, the electromagnetic field finite element model of MOSFET and the equivalent high frequency circuit model of high frequency transformer are established. Combined with the PCB network parameters extracted from SIwave,the board level radiation interference of a 5 W output flyback converter is co-simulated, and the influence of two high frequency transformer models on the far-field simulation results is compared. The experimental results show that the simulation results of 3 m far-field within 230 MHz are in good agreement with the measured results, which verifies the correctness of the simulation method, and the simplified two capacitance model of transformer has wider applicability; the obtained near-field electromagnetic field distribution shows that MOSFET is the main source of electric field radiation, and the rectifier diode at the secondary side of transformer is the main source of magnetic field radiation.
Key words : switching mode power supply;flyback converter;radiation interference;field circuit coupling

0 引言

    随着无线充电、电动汽车等新能源技术的快速发展,电源产品逐渐趋向高频化、小型化,随之产生的电磁干扰(EMI)问题正变得日益严重[1]辐射干扰是以电磁波的形式在自由空间中传播的电磁干扰能量,近年来愈发受到人们重视。依照GB9254-2008等电磁兼容标准,开关电源产品的辐射干扰指30 MHz~1 GHz频段的电磁干扰能量,通常在230 MHz以内辐射较为严重[2]。针对开关电源的辐射干扰,传统的仿真预测方法普遍基于两个基本假设:(1)输入输出线缆是主要的辐射源;(2)共模电流是造成输入输出线缆辐射的主要原因[3-6]。而实际上PCB迹线及元器件的立体结构均会形成等效天线结构,其辐射特性同样不可忽视[7-8]。基于场路耦合的仿真方法是解决这类多物理场问题的有效方法。文献[9]通过建立高频变压器100 kHz~200 MHz的行为级模型,利用CST软件对一台带长线缆的反激变换器远场辐射进行场路耦合仿真,较好地拟合了200 MHz以内3 m远场辐射测试曲线的趋势,但仍存在10~15 dBuV的误差,且繁杂的变压器模型将消耗过多的计算资源;文献[10]联合Cadence和Ansoft Designer,对LLC半桥谐振电路PCB的电流强度和近场辐射进行仿真分析,为PCB布局提出整改意见,但未将远场辐射考虑在内。



吴键澄1,杨  汝1,2,余连德3,揭  海1,刘佐濂3

(1.广州大学 电子与通信工程学院,广东 广州510006;2.广州大学 机械与电气工程学院,广东 广州510006;

3.广州大学 物理与材料科学学院,广东 广州510006)

