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鲍大志,邢斯瑞,孙 伟,韩旭天
长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春130102
摘要: 卫星测控分系统负责遥测、遥控信号在卫星与地面站之间的传输。扩频测控体制由于抗干扰性强、保密性好、易于实现多星测控等优势,已经逐渐成为主流测控方式。在测控频段上,X频段由于频率资源丰富且对商业测控开放,已经成为商业航天使用的主要测控频段。根据低轨卫星测控分系统需求,设计了一套X频段扩频测控应答机基带系统,能够实现X频段扩频测控信号的发射和接收。通过优化设计二维捕获、跟踪环路等模块,系统可以满足低轨卫星高动态多普勒下的性能需求。
中图分类号: TN927;V55
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 鲍大志,邢斯瑞,孙伟,等. 卫星扩频测控基带系统设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(9):81-85.
英文引用格式: Bao Dazhi,Xing Sirui,Sun Wei,et al. Design of baseband system of satellite spread spectrum TT&C[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):81-85.
Design of baseband system of satellite spread spectrum TT&C
Bao Dazhi,Xing Sirui,Sun Wei,Han Xutian
Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130102,China
Abstract: The satellite tracking telemetry and command(TT&C) subsystem is responsible for transmitting telemetry and receiving remote control signals between the satellite and the ground station. Spread Spectrum TT&C system has gradually become the mainstream TT&C mode because of its strong anti-interference, good confidentiality and easy to realize multi Satellite TT&C. In the TT&C frequency band, X frequency band has become the main TT&C frequency band used in commercial spaceflight due to its rich frequency resources and openness to commercial TT&C. According to the requirements of low orbit satellite TT&C subsystem, a baseband system of X band spread spectrum TT&C transponder is designed, which can transmit and receive X band spread spectrum TT&C signal. By optimizing the design of 2D acquisition and tracking modules, the system can meet the performance requirements of low orbit satellites under high dynamic Doppler.
Key words : satellite TT&C;baseband;acquisition and tracking;Doppler

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鲍大志,邢斯瑞,孙  伟,韩旭天

(长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春130102)

