您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 融合电影流行性与观影时间的协同过滤算法
摘要: 相似度评估作为协同过滤推荐算法的核心,尽管研究人员对其不断改进,却仍难以在各个维度上充分利用评价数据。针对这一挑战,首先以用户与电影之间的相互影响方式作为切入点,对二者间可能存在的自洽逻辑进行探究,提出了电影流行度计算公式用于对电影进行加权;接着以用户观影时间作为研究对象,探究用户观影喜好的转变与观影时间顺序之间的联系,并结合肯德尔相关系数提出了观影顺序一致性度量公式;最后将以上研究内容与传统相似度算法融合,并基于Netflix Prize数据集与豆瓣电影评价数据集对改进后的相似度算法进行验证。实验结果表明改进后的相似度算法拥有更高的推荐准确度。
中图分类号:TP3913文献标识码:ADOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2097-1788.2024.02.009
Collaborative filtering algorithm combining movie popularity and viewing time
Qian Zejun,Liu Runran
(Alibaba Business School, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China)
Abstract: As the core of the collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm, similarity evaluation is still difficult to fully utilize evaluation data in all dimensions, despite researchers constantly improving it. In this paper, aiming at this challenge, the mutual influence between users and movies is taken as the starting point, the possible self consistent logic between the two is explored, and a formula called Movie Popularity Weight (MPW) calculation formula is proposed to calculate the weight of movies. Then, taking the viewing time of users as the research object, the relationship between the change of viewing preference and the viewing time sequence of users is explored, and combined with the theory of Kendall correlation coefficient, a formula called Consistency in Viewing Sequence (CVS) calculation formula is proposed. Finally, the traditional similarity algorithm is improved by using the above research content, and the improved similarity algorithm is validated by using two datasets, one is the Netflix Prize dataset, while the other one is built based on publicly available data from Douban.com called Douban Movie K5 dataset. The experimental result shows that the improved similarity algorithm has higher recommendation accuracy.
Key words : recommendation algorithm; collaborative filtering; similarity algorithm; movie popularity; viewing time







