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BL2600 Wolf

Ethernet-Enabled Single-Board Computer
作者:Digi Internation

Key Features
 Rabbit 3000 44.2 MHz
 10/100Base-T Ethernet Connectivity
 512K Flash and 512K SRAM standard
 36 digital I/O (configurations include protected digital inputs,
sinking/sourcing outputs, high current outputs)
 12 analog channels: eight 11-bit A/D, four 12-bit D/A buffered outputs
 5 serial ports
 RabbitNet expansion capability
 Other available feature configurations:10 Base-T, reduced memory,16MB NAND, removable memory
  slot supporting up to 128MB  Design Advantages
 I/O can be connected via IDC headers or friction lock connectors
 Can be installed using mounting holes, or positioned on top of a mother board with IDC headers
 Easily expandable as your application needs grow
 Multiple “core module” options allow flexibility in functionality
 Equipment control and automation
 Machine control with Ethernet connectivity
 Industrial control and Utilities
 Test and measurement
 Applications with high I/O requirements




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技术支持:+86-21 5150-6898 分机 32 中国区嵌入式产品系统工程师:马超
