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Lattice iCE40-HX系列超低功耗mobileFPGA开发方案

关键词: FPGA iCE40 mobileFPGA

Lattice 公司的iCE40-HX系列是用于平板电脑的超低功耗mobileFPGA产品,具有8k个查找表(LUT)和触发器,提供低成本封装,iCE65快85%,集成了PLL和时钟倍频和分频以用于显示器,SerDes和存储器接口,PLL输出高达533MHz,低功耗的逻辑和互连.很适合高性能平板电脑应用.本文介绍了iCE40-HX系列主要特性,架构特性框图以及iCEblink40 iCE40HX1K 评估板主要特性,电路图,主要元件清单和PCB元件布局图.

The HX-Series of the iCE40™ "Los Angeles" mobileFPGA™ family is ideal for tablet applications.


   iCE40™ HX-Series Ultra Low-Power mobileFPGA™ Family

 HX-Series - Tablet targeted series optimized for high performance

 Low cost package offerings

 80% faster than iCE65

 Tablet resolution HD video and imaging

 Proven, high-volume 40 nm, low-power CMOS technology

 Integrated Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)

 Clock multiplication/division for display, SerDes, and memory interface applications

 Up to 533 MHz PLL Output

 Reprogrammable from a variety of methods and sources

 Flexible programmable logic and programmable interconnect fabric

 8K look-up tables (LUT4) and flip-flops

 Low-power logic and interconnect

 Complete iCEcube™ development system

 Windows® and Linux® support

 VHDL and Verilog logic synthesis

 Place and route software

 Design and IP core libraries

 Low-cost iCEman40HX development board

   iCE40HX Ultra Low-Power Programmable Logic Family Summary


iCEblink40 iCE40HX1K 评估板

This guide describes how to begin using the iCEblink40 Evaluation Kit, an easy-to-use platform for rapidly prototyp-ing designs using the iCE40 mobileFPGA™.

iCEblink40 iCE40HX1K 评估板主要特性:

• High-performance, low-power iCE40HX1K mobileFPGA

• USB programming, debugging, virtual I/O functions, and power supply

• Four user LEDs

• Four capacitive-touch buttons

• 3.3 MHz clock source

• 1Mbit SPI serial configuration PROM

• Supported by Lattice iCEcube2™ design software

• 68 LVCMOS/LVTTL (3.3V) digital I/O connections on 0.1” through-hole connections

• Supports third-party I/O expansion boards and modules, including 3.3V Arduino Shield boards (requires additional sockets, not supplied)

图2.iCEblink40 iCE40HX1K 评估板外形和主要硬件特性图

图3.iCEblink40 iCE40HX1K 评估板尺寸和元件布局图

图4.iCEblink40 iCE40HX1K 评估板电路图
iCEblink40 iCE40HX1K 评估板主要元件清单:


