您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于卷积神经网络的矿井安全帽佩戴检测
刘 欣,张灿明
安徽省煤炭科学研究院,安徽 合肥 230001
摘要: 在煤矿生产中,工人由于未佩戴安全帽而受伤的事故时有发生。为了构建数字化安全帽监测系统,提出了一种基于卷积神经网络的安全帽佩戴检测模型。采用先进的Darknet53网络作为模型主干,用于提取图片的特征信息。此外,在模型中引入注意力机制用于丰富特征之间的信息传播,增强模型的泛化能力。最后,制作了安全帽佩戴预训练数据集和实际矿井场景数据集,并在PyTorch平台进行全面的对比实验验证了模型设计的有效性,模型在实际矿井场景数据集上获得92.5 mAP的优异性能。
中图分类号: TN919.8;TP391.41
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 刘欣,张灿明. 基于卷积神经网络的矿井安全帽佩戴检测[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(9):38-42,46.
英文引用格式: Liu Xin,Zhang Canming. Wearing safety helmet detection based on convolutional neural networks for mines[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):38-42,46.
Wearing safety helmet detection based on convolutional neural networks for mines
Liu Xin,Zhang Canming
Anhui Academy of Coal Science,Hefei 230001,China
Abstract: In the production of coal mines, accidents happen to workers once in a while because of absence of safety helmet. In order to establish digital safety helmet detection system, a wearing safety helmet detection model based on convolutional neural networks is proposed. Specifically, the model is based on advanced Darknet53 as model backbone, which is used to extract feature information from pictures. In addition, attention mechanism is introduced to enrich the propagation of information between features, enhancing the generalization of model. Finally, a wearing safety helmet pre-training dataset and a real mine scene dataset are built, and comprehensively comparative experiments are conducted on PyTorch platform to verify the effectiveness of the model designs, which achieves an excellent performance of 92.5 mAP on the real mine scene dataset.
Key words : wearing safety helmet detection;deep learning;convolutional neural networks;attention mechanism

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    自2012年AlexNet[1]在ImageNet图片分类比赛上大放光彩,以卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNNs)为代表的深度学习技术在多个领域上取得突破性成功,例如人脸检测[2]、火灾预防[3]、风格迁移[4]等。基于CNNs的目标检测方法采用多个卷积层堆叠,凭借着卷积运算的特性,能够自动地获取丰富的特征信息,进而分类获得优异的预测性能。在目标检测技领域,基于深度学习的方法多数可分成两类:第一类是基于候选区域的检测方法,R-CNN[5]率先将深度学习技术应用于目标检测任务。Faster R-CNN[6]引入候选区域网络替代手工选择候选区域,并实现多步骤联合训练;第二类是基于回归分类的检测方法,REDMON J等人[7]率先提出单步骤目标检测模型YOLO,该模型将待检图片分成若干个网格区域,直接预测目标边界框和置信度。在此之后,YOLO2[8]和YOLO3[9]在YOLO的基础上增加了多种深度学习技术,大幅度提升预测性能和推断速度。



刘  欣,张灿明

(安徽省煤炭科学研究院,安徽 合肥 230001)
