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中国计量大学 工业与商贸计量技术研究所,浙江 杭州310018
摘要: 为实现脉冲涡流热成像技术应用于现场检测,针对锂电池单独供电存在功率低、电压小等问题,设计了一种基于“锂电池+超级电容”复合电源技术的便携式电源系统方案。通过超级电容的充放电实现功率变换,采用DC/DC变换器实现电压转换,实现锂电池的高效利用。首先分析了脉冲涡流热成像电源需求,介绍了电源拓扑结构并搭建了便携式电源系统,之后详细分析了系统开关控制策略,最后对其性能进行测试并通过裂纹检测实验验证了便携式电源的实用性。结果表明:该便携式电源系统额定功率可达1.5 kW,重量在10 kg以内,满足脉冲涡流热成像对便携式电源的初步需求。
中图分类号: TM91;TG115
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 张廷尧,王晓娜,侯德鑫,等. 便携式脉冲涡流热成像电源系统设计[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(10):118-122.
英文引用格式: Zhang Tingyao,Wang Xiaona,Hou Dexin,et al. Design of portable power supply system for pulsed eddy current thermography[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(10):118-122.
Design of portable power supply system for pulsed eddy current thermography
Zhang Tingyao,Wang Xiaona,Hou Dexin,Ye Shuliang
Institute of Industry and Trade Measurement Technique,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310018,China
Abstract: In order to realize the application of pulsed eddy current thermography technology in field detection, a portable power system scheme based on "lithium battery+supercapacitor" composite power supply technology was designed to solve the problems of low power and low voltage in the separate power supply of lithium battery.The power conversion is realized by charging and discharging of supercapacitors, and the voltage conversion is realized by using DC/DC converter to realize efficient utilization of lithium batteries.Firstly, the demand of pulsed eddy current thermal imaging power supply is analyzed, the topological structure of the power supply is introduced and the portable power supply system is built. Then, the switching control strategy of the system is analyzed in detail. Finally, its performance is tested and the practicability of the portable power supply is verified by crack detection experiment. The results show that the rated power of the portable power supply system is up to 1.5 kW and the weight is within 10 kg, which meets the initial demand of the portable power supply for pulsed eddy current thermography.
Key words : pulsed eddy current thermography;protable;lithium batteries;super-capacitor;DC/DC converter

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(中国计量大学 工业与商贸计量技术研究所,浙江 杭州310018)
