您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于国产PLC的分布式I/O冗余方法研究
刘雪飞1,苏师师2,蒯 亮1,韩庆敏1,王 帅1,吴云峰1
摘要: 为了提高PLC控制系统中采集/输出环节的可靠性,分析了冗余系统设计原理,结合现场应用环境及实际需求,研究出一种基于国产PLC的分布式I/O冗余方法。针对采集数据类型分别介绍了数字量输入/出、模拟量输入/出冗余方案,该方法把运行过程中定期对自身诊断结果作为冗余的诊断依据,结合用户配置的冗余方案,提高采集/输出数据的准确率。经试验及现场某基地应用可知,该方法提高了PLC控制系统的可靠性,可确保PLC系统长期稳定、高效、安全地运行。
中图分类号: TN108;TP273
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 刘雪飞,苏师师,蒯亮,等. 基于国产PLC的分布式I/O冗余方法研究[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(4):82-86.
英文引用格式: Liu Xuefei,Su Shishi,Kuai Liang,et al. Research on distributed I/O redundancy method based on domestic PLC[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(4):82-86.
Research on distributed I/O redundancy method based on domestic PLC
Liu Xuefei1,Su Shishi2,Kuai Liang1,Han Qingmin1,Wang Shuai1,Wu Yunfeng1
1.The 6th Research Institute of China Electronics Corporation,Beijing 102209,China; 2.CS&S.Information System Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102209,China
Abstract: In order to improve the reliability of the acquisition/output link in the PLC control system, the design principle of the redundant system is analyzed, combined with the field application environment and actual needs, a distributed I/O redundancy method based on domestic PLC is developed. The article introduces the digital input/output and analog input/output redundancy schemes respectively for the type of data collected. This method takes the self-diagnosis results of the self-diagnosis periodically during operation as the basis for redundant diagnosis, combined with the user-configured redundancy scheme to improve accuracy of collecting/outputting data. It can be known from experiments and on-site base application that this method improves the reliability of the PLC control system and can ensure that the PLC system operates stably, efficiently and safely for a long time.
Key words : programmable logic controller(PLC);reliability;I/O redundancy;fault diagnosis

0 引言

    可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC)与分布式I/O协同工作[1],广泛应用于石油、高铁、电力等工业环境下的自动化控制系统中[2]。国产超御PLC分布式I/O(EtherCAT从站)负责在现场准备编码器和执行器数据,使得数据可以通过EtherCAT总线发送至控制CPU。恶劣的环境、系统本身的干扰扰造成采集环节出现问题[3],即使CPU进行何种冗余方式[4],此时都无济于事,结果导致系统部分功能失效或引发控制系统故障等事故。目前提高可靠性的方案主要是通过CPU、核心设备双备份冗余技术[5-6];应用硬件、软件抗干扰措施[7],定期进行检测和维护;或者根据信号类型的不同选取“与”或“或”这种比较简单的I/O冗余模块间的冗余策略确保PLC控制系统安全可靠地运行[8-10]。上述冗余机制简单,但安全系数不高;模块间I/O冗余,当某一通道级故障发生时,整个模块采集数据不可信任,造成硬件资源的浪费;数据自身的不准确、采集模块的故障都将影响冗余机制本身的可靠性。




刘雪飞1,苏师师2,蒯  亮1,韩庆敏1,王  帅1,吴云峰1

