您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于实时数据流特征提取的设备能耗异常识别算法研究
(1.东华大学 信息科学与技术学院,上海201620;2.数字化纺织服装技术教育部工程研究中心,上海201620)
摘要: 能耗设备的节能是企业节能减排中非常重要的一环,及时发现能耗设备运行中出现的异常,对减少不必要的企业能耗具有重要意义。利用采集到的设备实时能耗数据流,提出了一种基于多特征提取的设备能耗异常识别分类方法。首先,对样本数据提取了低能耗时间比、高能耗时间量、DTW距离等特征量,随后利用孤立森林算法和K-means聚类算法对每条样本数据进行类型标定,最后构建了注意力机制与LSTM相结合的设备能耗异常分类算法。实验结果表明,该算法的分类正确率达到了97.76%,可以高效识别出不同类型的设备能耗异常,从而为企业及时作出处理、减少能耗损失提供了决策依据。
中图分类号: TP301.6;TK01+8
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.05.008
引用格式: 黄家续,曾献辉,施陈俊. 基于实时数据流特征提取的设备能耗异常识别算法研究[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(5):45-50.
Research on equipment energy consumption anomaly identification algorithm based on real-time data stream feature extraction
Huang Jiaxu1,Zeng Xianhui1,2,Shi Chenjun1
(1.College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China; 2.Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile & Apparel Technology,Ministry of Education,Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract: Energy saving of energy consumption equipment is a very important part of the enterprise energy saving and emission reduction, timely discovery of abnormal energy consumption equipment operation, to reduce unnecessary energy consumption of enterprises is of great significance.In this paper, based on the collected real-time data stream of equipment energy consumption, a new method of equipment energy consumption anomaly recognition and classification based on multi-feature extraction was proposed.Firstly, the characteristic parameters such as low energy consumption time ratio, high energy consumption time quantity and DTW distance were extracted from the sample data. Then, the isolated forest algorithm and K-means clustering algorithm were used to carry out type calibration for each sample data. Finally, the abnormal classification algorithm of equipment energy consumption combining attention mechanism and LSTM was constructed.The experimental results show that the classification accuracy of the algorithm reaches 97.76%, which can effectively identify the abnormal energy consumption of different types of equipment, so as to provide a decision-making basis for enterprises to make timely treatment and reduce the loss of energy consumption.
Key words : feature extraction;attention mechanism;LSTM;classification algorithm

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目前国内外许多研究者对用电数据的异常检测进行了大量的研究。黄悦华等提出了一种基于用电特征分析的无监督方式异常检测方法[2],具有较高的准确性;张春辉等提出了基于小波检测电力负荷异常的方法,利用ARFIMA统计方法结合小波,能够快速准确全面地发现电力负荷异常数据[3];赵嫚等利用模糊聚类和孤立森林算法相结合进行异常检测[4];徐瑶等采用卷积神经网络挖掘用户时间序列中的用电规律,并通过反向传播来实现网络参数的更新,利用支持向量机检测出异常用电行为[5];ANGELOS E W S等人使用模糊分类矩阵来改进C均值聚类,归一化度量距离最大的即为异常用电行为[6];ARISOY I等基于电力公司长期运营的专家知识,对用电数据的时间关联关系进行了数学建模,实现了用户异常用电量的检测[7]。




(1.东华大学 信息科学与技术学院,上海201620;2.数字化纺织服装技术教育部工程研究中心,上海201620)
