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Spectre X RF在大规模RFIC设计中的应用
郭锡韧1,曾 义2
1.深圳市中兴微电子技术有限公司,广东 深圳518055;2.上海楷登电子科技有限公司,上海200120
摘要: 随着工艺尺寸的不断缩小,电路规模的不断复杂化以及版图中寄生规模的不断增大,在一些大规模的后仿验证过程中,Cadence公司提供的模拟全精度仿真器Spectre/APS/APS RF已不能满足需求。针对这一问题,Cadence于2019年推出APS的下一代模拟全精度仿真器Spectre X,在实际使用过程中发现其对普通模拟仿真性能提升明显并且基本保持了APS的仿真精度。2020年,Cadence推出其APS RF的下一代仿真器Spectre X RF 仿真器。RF仿真在整体仿真验证流程中同样占据很大一部分,在将其应用到实际项目前,需要与APS RF对比其性能和速度。介绍了Spectre X RF的用法,并重点介绍在几种采用不同工艺的RFIC设计中,仿真器Spectre APS RF与Spectre X RF仿真性能与精度的对比情况。
中图分类号: TN402
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 郭锡韧,曾义. Spectre X RF在大规模RFIC设计中的应用[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(8):68-71.
英文引用格式: Guo Xiren,Zeng Yi. Application of Spectre X RF in large-scale RFIC design[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):68-71.
Application of Spectre X RF in large-scale RFIC design
Guo Xiren1,Zeng Yi2
1.ZTE Microelectronics,Shenzhen 518055,China;2.Cadence DesignSystems,Inc.,Shanghai 200120,China
Abstract: With the continuous shrinking of process nodes, the continuous complexity of the circuits designs and the increasing size of the parasitics from layout, the analog FULL-SPICE simulator Spectre/APS/APS RF provided by Cadence can no longer meet the demand in some large-scale post-simulation verification projects. In response to this problem, Cadence launched APS′s next-generation analog full-spice simulator Spectre X in 2019. It was found that it has significant performance improvement on general analog simulations while maintained the proven golden accuracy of APS. In 2020, Cadence launched its Spectre X RF simulator, the next-generation simulator of APS RF. RF simulation also occupies a large part of our overall simulation verification works. Before applying it to actual projects, it is necessary to compare its performance and accuracy with APS RF. This article mainly introduces the usage of Spectre X RF, and focuses on the comparison of simulation performance and accuracy between Spectre APS RF and Spectre X RF in several RFIC designs using different processes.
Key words : SPECTRE X RF;analog down converter;large-scale post-simulation verification

0 引言


    Spectre X RF仿真器是Cadence于2020年推出的新一代仿真器,能提升仿真速度、优化内存,能有效解决目前射频前端RF仿真中仿真速度过慢、服务器性能需求过高的问题。

    在应用Spectre X RF之前,需对其进行评估,本文在三个主流工艺下,在模拟下变频模块中,对比Spectre APS RF和Spectre X RF的精度、内存和速度。



郭锡韧1,曾  义2

(1.深圳市中兴微电子技术有限公司,广东 深圳518055;2.上海楷登电子科技有限公司,上海200120)

