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杨 艳,张忠皓,马静艳
摘要: 从2019年5G标准和设备逐步成型,通信业务向着产业化、多元化的趋势逐渐清晰化,从而催生了新通信系统研究。6G作为新一代通信系统,从服务全面性和精细度都进行了深度和广度的扩展。目前6G备选技术已经有THz技术、大规模天线、IRS和通信感知融合等,其中通信和感知一体化在2021年初成为6G重点研究技术,其通过复用通信和感知架构与信号进行一体化通信和感知,可以极大地减少系统的冗余部署。从6G通信感知一体化的研究需要性、架构和技术研究几个方面展开分析,从而可以较为全面地介绍6G通感融合的可行性及重点研究方向。
关键词: 通感融合 6G 架构
中图分类号: TN929.5
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 杨艳,张忠皓,马静艳. 6G通信感知一体化架构与技术研究[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(9):1-4,15.
英文引用格式: Yang Yan,Zhang Zhonghao,Ma Jingyan. Research on integrated sensing and communication architecture and technology of 6G[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(9):1-4,15.
Research on integrated sensing and communication architecture and technology of 6G
Yang Yan,Zhang Zhonghao,Ma Jingyan
China Unicom Research Institute,Beijing 100048,China
Abstract: From 2019, 5G standards and equipment have gradually taken shape, and the trend of communication business towards industrialization and diversification has gradually become clear, thus giving birth to the research of new communication systems. 6G, as a new generation of communication system, has been expanded in depth and breadth in terms of service comprehensiveness and precision. At present, the 6G alternative technologies include THz technology, large-scale antenna, IRS and communication perception fusion. The integration of communication and perception has become the key research technology of 6G in early 2021. It can greatly reduce the redundant deployment of the system by multiplexing the communication and perception architecture and signals. This paper will analyze the research needs, architecture and technology of 6G communication perception integration, so as to comprehensively introduce the feasibility and key research direction of 6G synaesthesia integration.
Key words : sensing and communication;6G;architecture

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杨  艳,张忠皓,马静艳


