您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 一种带有DAC失配整形的高精度Sigma-Delta调制器
刘铭扬1,2,3,王小松1,2,3,刘 昱1,2,3
1.中国科学院微电子研究所,北京100029;2.中国科学院大学,北京100049; 3.新一代通信射频芯片技术北京市重点实验室,北京100029
摘要: 为减小生理信号采集应用中仪表放大器的设计难度,需在低功耗、小信号带宽的前提下大幅度提高模数转换单元的精度和动态范围以作补偿。为此,面向生理信号采集应用,实现了一种带前馈结构的高精度三阶五比特Sigma-Delta调制器,其不需要复杂的OTA结构和过高的过采样率,且功耗较低,并将二阶噪声整形动态元件匹配方案应用于DAC中,以避免多比特量化造成的非线性谐波失真。该Sigma-Delta调制器采用SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS标准工艺,在1 MHz的采样率,1 kHz的信号带宽内,峰值SNDR达到111 dB,动态范围达到120 dB,有效位数达到18 bit,工作电源电压为1.8 V,整体功耗为0.87 mW。
中图分类号: TN432
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 刘铭扬,王小松,刘昱. 一种带有DAC失配整形的高精度Sigma-Delta调制器[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(9):25-29,38.
英文引用格式: Liu Mingyang,Wang Xiaosong,Liu Yu. A high precision multi-bit sigma-delta modulator with mismatch-shaping DACs[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(9):25-29,38.
A high precision multi-bit sigma-delta modulator with mismatch-shaping DACs
Liu Mingyang1,2,3,Wang Xiaosong1,2,3,Liu Yu1,2,3
1.Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China; 3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Radio Frequency IC Technology for Next Generation Communications,Beijing 100029,China
Abstract: In order to reduce the difficulty of designing the amplifier of the instrument in the application of physiological signal acquisition, a higher-precision analog-to-digital conversion unit is required. This paper implements a high-precision sigma-delta modulator with feedforward structure, which does not require complex OTA structure and high oversampling rate, and has low power consumption, and a second-order noise shaping dynamic component matching scheme used in DAC to avoid nonlinear harmonic distortion caused by multi-bit quantization. The sigma-delta modulator adopts SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS standard technology. At a sampling frequency of 1 MHz and a signal bandwidth of 1 kHz, the peak SNDR can reach 111 dB, the operating power supply voltage is 1.8 V, and the overall power consumption is 0.87 mW.
Key words : sigma-delta modulator;multi-bit quantizer;2nd-order dynamic element matching;successive approximation;feed-forward

0 引言

    由仪表放大器、抗混叠滤波器和模数转换器组成的模拟前端(Analog Front End,AFE)是可穿戴医疗设备中信息采集系统的重要组成部分[1]。实际信息采集过程中,外界环境中的非理想因素及皮肤与电极接触带来的可变动阻抗使仪表放大器得到的信号幅度变动极大,且存在很大的基线漂移[2]。面对这样一个频带窄、动态范围大的待处理信号,ADC模块必须满足高动态范围、低失真的特性,以降低仪表放大器和后端数字处理单元的设计难度,保证信号的采集质量。




刘铭扬1,2,3,王小松1,2,3,刘  昱1,2,3



