您所在的位置:首页 > 通信与网络 > 设计应用 > 基于等保2.0的重点行业工控系统网络安全防护策略研究
张 悦1,荆 琛2,衣 然2
摘要: 在两化融合的工业建设大背景下,工控系统的互联互通性逐步加强,系统所面临的网络安全风险也越来越大。针对工控系统网络安全现状,依据等级保护2.0相关标准,提出了一种可实现隔离、监测、预警、审计等功能的工控网络安全防护策略,并以烟草行业为例,完成了应用部署与安全验证,为工控系统网络安全建设提供了实践参考。
中图分类号: TP393
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.09.009
引用格式: 张悦,荆琛,衣然. 基于等保2.0的重点行业工控系统网络安全防护策略研究[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(9):54-57,76.
Research on the security protection strategy of industrial control network in key industries based on classified security protection standard 2.0
Zhang Yue1,Jing Chen2,Yi Ran2
(1.Guoneng Information and Technology Limited Company,Beijing 100080,China; 2.National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract: In the context of the integration of industrialization and information in industrial construction, the interconnection and interoperability of the industrial control system has gradually strengthened, and the network security risks faced by the system have also become greater. Aiming at the current status of industrial control network security, this paper proposes an industrial control network security protection strategy that can realize the functions of isolation, monitoring, early warning, and auditing based on classified security protection standard 2.0. Taking the tobacco industry as an example, the application deployment and security verification have been completed, which provides a practical reference for the construction of industrial control system network security.
Key words : classified security protection standard 2.0;industrial control system;cyber security

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1 工控系统网络安全现状




张  悦1,荆  琛2,衣  然2


