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信息技术与网络安全 1期
摘要: 近年来,金融领域明文数据流通所引起的数据泄露问题日渐突出,传统的跨机构数据融合的机器学习方式面临着新的问题与挑战。因此,立足于金融数据安全领域,从用户隐私和数据安全角度出发,概述联邦学习理论并深入分析其目前在金融行业的应用现状,指出现有的联邦学习还存在通信效率低、数据异构性突出等问题。最后提出健全联邦学习标准体系、时刻关注监管要求等建议,为推动联邦学习在金融数据安全领域中的合法应用提供参考性意见。
中图分类号: TP391
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.01.001
引用格式: 张海涛. 联邦学习在金融数据安全领域的研究与应用[J].信息技术与网络安全,2022,41(1):3-9.
Research and application of federated learning in the field of financial data security
Zhang Haitao
(Minmetals International Trust Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100027,China)
Abstract: Abstract: In recent years, the problem of data leakage caused by the circulation of plaintext data in the financial field has become increasingly prominent. The traditional machine learning method of inter agency data fusion faces new problems and challenges. Therefore, based on the field of financial data security, from the perspective of user privacy and data security, this paper summarizes the federated learning theory, deeply analyzes its current application status in the financial industry, and points out that the existing federated learning still has some problems, such as low communication efficiency and prominent data heterogeneity. Finally,it puts forward suggestions on improving the federated learning standard system and paying attention to regulatory requirements at all times, so as to provide reference opinions for promoting the legal application of federated learning in the field of financial data security.
Key words : federated learning;financial data security;data privacy;credit card fraud

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2020年4月,中共中央、国务院印发了《关于构建更加完善的要素市场化配置体制机制的意见》,明确指出在当今数字经济化时代,数据是至关重要的一种新型生产要素。但是,随着数据赋能研究的不断深入,隐私保护和数据泄露等问题日益突出。如2018年3月,超5 000万Facebook用户信息被政治数据公司“剑桥分析”获取并利用,2018年11月,汇丰银行(HSBC Bank)部分客户财务状况和个人信息被泄露。金融作为数据密集型行业,对数据安全、隐私保护以及监管科技等有着更高的要求。实现数据的多方协同和授权共享,得到更优的模型和决策,是当前人工智能赋能金融科技的一个重大挑战[1]。Google于2016年提出联邦学习(Federated Learning)概念为这一困境带来了新的思路与解决办法。目前,联邦学习技术已经在金融科技领域的智能营销、反欺诈、信用卡评分、产品推荐等多个业务场景中得到了具体应用。




