您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > X波段功率器件外壳端口仿真与测试差异性研究
颜汇锃,施梦侨,周 昊,陈寰贝
南京电子器件研究所,江苏 南京210016
摘要: 基于探针测试方法进行X波段功率器件外壳端口的仿真与测试差异性研究。在使用仿真软件对其进行优化后,通过HTCC(高温共烧陶瓷)工艺线制备和生产,发现使用GSG探针对该端口进行测试后的插入损耗远远大于仿真结果。通过对照实验和仿真验证等实验方法,分析出插入损耗仿真与测试的差异来源于辐射损耗,导致信号在返回路径的信号完整性受到影响。对结构进行相应的优化后插入损耗大幅减小,证明辐射损耗是造成差距的原因,通过电磁屏蔽可以得到有效解决。该研究可以为大功率器件类封装外壳的设计、测试和使用提供借鉴意义。
中图分类号: TN454
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 颜汇锃,施梦侨,周昊,等. X波段功率器件外壳端口仿真与测试差异性研究[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(4):98-103.
英文引用格式: Yan Huizeng,Shi Mengqiao,Zhou Hao,et al. Research on the differences of RF port simulation and test of X-band power device package[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(4):98-103.
Research on the differences of RF port simulation and test of X-band power device package
Yan Huizeng,Shi Mengqiao,Zhou Hao,Chen Huanbei
Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute,Nanjing 210016,China
Abstract: This paper discussed research on the differences of RF Port simulation and test of X-band power device package which was based on probe test method. After optimizing it with simulation software, samples are produced through HTCC process line, the result of testing the port with GSG probe is much larger than the simulation results. It is analyzed by experimental methods such as control experiment and simulation result reproduction that the difference between S21 simulation and test is due to radiation loss, which affects the signal integrity of the signal in the return path. Insertion loss is greatly reduced after optimizing the structure, which proves that the radiation loss is the cause of the gap. Radiation loss can be effectively solved by electromagnetic shielding. This article can provide a reference for the design, test and practical use of high-power device packages.
Key words : probe test;X-band;high-power device package;radiation loss

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    面向固态微波功率器件封装的外壳多使用陶瓷绝缘子实现端口的传输要求。在以陶瓷为介质的信号传输中,采用波导转微带的传输方式可以消除谐振,有效地减小信号传输的插入损耗[4]。其中施梦侨等人设计了一款面向小功率4通道收发模块封装用陶瓷外壳,在8 GHz~12 GHz的频带内,端口插入损耗≤0.6 dB[5];李永彬等人设计了一种应用于18 GHz功放模块的陶瓷外壳,在DC~18 GHz的频带内,端口插入损耗≤0.6 dB[6],均采用共面波导-带状线-共面波导结构进行微波信号的传输。




颜汇锃,施梦侨,周  昊,陈寰贝

(南京电子器件研究所,江苏 南京210016)

