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网络安全与数据治理 2期
摘要: 物联网、5G等信息技术的快速发展加速了万物互联时代的到来,网络边缘设备的爆发式增长产生了海量级边缘数据,传统云计算模型的集中式大数据处理已无法满足对边缘设备海量数据的高效处理。边缘计算作为一种新型计算模型,在更靠近用户的网络边缘侧就近提供服务,减缓了网络负载,增强了响应能力,但同时由于边缘环境的开放性、多源异构性、边缘节点资源受限等特性,使得边缘计算的安全与隐私保护面临诸多挑战。首先从安全需求出发,围绕身份认证、通信安全协议、入侵检测以及隐私保护等关键技术,系统阐述和分析了边缘计算安全与隐私保护领域的国内外研究成果,最后提出了未来可能的研究方向。
中图分类号: TP309
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.02.007
引用格式: 沈传年. 边缘计算安全与隐私保护研究进展[J].网络安全与数据治理,2022,41(2):41-48.
Research progress of edge computing security and privacy-preserving
Shen Chuannian
(National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China@Shanghai, Shanghai 201315,China)
Abstract: The rapid development of information technologies such as the Internet of Things and 5G accelerates the arrival of the era of the Internet of Everything,the explosive growth of network edge devices has produced massive edge data,the centralized big data processing of the traditional cloud computing model has been unable to meet the efficient processing of massive data of edge devices,therefore, edge computing comes into being at the right time.As a new computing model, edge computing provides services closer to the user′s network edge side,which reduces the network load and enhances the response ability. However, due to the openness and multi-source heterogeneity of the edge environment, the resources of edge nodes restriction and other characteristics make the security and privacy-preserving of edge computing faces many challenges.Firstly, the basic concept of edge computing is introduced,and then from the perspective of security requirements,focusing on the key technologies such as identity authentication, communication security protocol, intrusion detection and privacy-preserving,the research achievements in the field of edge computing security and privacy-preserving at home and abroad are systematically described and analyzed.Finally, the possible research directions in the future are proposed.
Key words : edge computing;identity authentication;intrusion detection;privacy-preserving

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近年来,随着物联网、大数据、人工智能、区块链、5G等信息技术的快速发展,万物互联趋势急速加剧,增强现实/虚拟现实、智能家居、智慧城市、远程医疗、无人驾驶等新型业务模式不断涌现,已广泛应用于日常生活中并带来了极大的便利。网络技术和应用服务的进一步发展使网络边缘设备的连接数量呈现爆发式增长态势,与之相伴的是网络边缘设备所产生的海量级数据。根据Gartner的数据预测,到2022年,超过50%的企业数据将在网络边缘侧产生和处理。据国际数据中心(IDC)数据时代报告《世界的数字化:从边缘到核心》预测,到2025年全球将产生175 ZB(泽字节)的数据(1 ZB相当于1万亿GB),其中全球数十亿台边缘设备将产生90 ZB以上的数据。










