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网络安全与数据治理 2023年3期
摘要: 数据要素的价值潜力在数字经济时代中愈发明显,逐渐成为世界各国创造经济价值的新动能。数据要素安全有序流动可以提升我国数字经济国际竞争力、增进我国数据消费群体共同福祉、为相关领域科学决策奠定良好基础。粤港澳大湾区作为我国对外开放程度和数字经济发展水平最高的区域之一,具有“一国两制三法域”的特殊性,是数据跨境流动治理的天然试验场。在推进粤港澳大湾区数据要素安全有序跨境流动过程中,面对数据要素权属界定尚不明确、流通渠道有待畅通、安全监管仍需加强等困境时,只有加快构建数据要素产权保护制度、建立健全数据要素流通平台、加强数据要素安全保障,才可以有效实现数据要素的资源优势,提升我国在信息化时代中的国际地位。
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area difficulties and solutions of secure and orderly cross-border flow of data elements
Han Jinlei
(School of Law, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541000, China)
Abstract: The value potential of data elements is becoming more and more obvious in the era of digital economy, and it has gradually become a new driving force to create economic value in the world. The secure and orderly flow of data elements can enhance the international competitiveness of digital economy, enhance the common wellbeing of data consumers, and lay a good foundation for scientific decisionmaking in related fields. As one of the regions with the highest degree of openingup and the highest level of digital economy development in China, the GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area has the particularity of “one country, two systems and three legal domains” and is a natural testing ground for the governance of crossborder data flow. In the process of promoting the secure and orderly crossborder flow of data elements in the GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area, faced with difficulties such as unclear definition of ownership of data elements, unimpeded circulation channels, and strengthened security supervision, the resource advantages of data elements can be effectively realized and national international status can be enhanced in the information age only by speeding up the construction of property rights protection system of data elements, establishing and improving circulation platforms of data elements, and strengthening security guarantee of data elements.
Key words : GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area; data elements; data validation;national security


数字经济已经成为世界各国推动新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重要竞争场域。习近平总书记曾强调,数字经济发展势头迅猛,其辐射范围和影响程度前所未有,正在逐步成为重组全球生产要素资源、重塑数字经济时代架构、改变全球竞争格局的关键力量。大数据作为一项重要的战略要素,逐渐成为当前信息化时代的重要基石和市场经济增长的关键引擎,成为促进数字经济创新发展的关键一环。根据国际机构Statista的不完全统计,2020年全球数据产生量达642 ZB,2025年这一数值预计增至181 ZB。近些年,我国为推动数据要素安全有序流动,不断推进数据流动相关制度规范的制定与落实,为数据要素在市场经济体制下的基础性地位提供了制度保障。2020年10月,《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》明确提出,要建立健全数据要素产权、境内交易、跨境流动和安全监管等制度规范,持续推动数据资源的有效利用。2022年1月,《国务院关于印发“十四五”数字经济发展规划的通知》提出要培育有序的数据交易市场,规范数据交易管理。同年,《政府工作报告》也强调,政府应大力打造数据要素市场,激发数据要素潜力,促进数据高效有序流通。






