您所在的位置:首页 > 测试测量 > 设计应用 > 基于TMS570的卫星配电热控单元设计
长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春 130000
摘要: 为适应国内商业航天低成本、周期短、批产化的快速发展趋势,针对星上各系统集成度不高的现状,以微控制器TMS570为核心,设计了一种卫星配电热控管理单元。系统各模块采用内总线架构进行集成,通过CAN总线与中心机进行数据交互,实现星上各单机配电通断控制、整星温度采集、加热带开闭环控制、电源状态监测、SADA驱动、软件在轨重构等功能,已应用在“吉林一号”星座多颗卫星上。地面和在轨测试结果表明,该系统具有功耗低、成本低、接口标准、集成度高、扩展性强等特点。 关键词:TMS570;内总线;配电;集成化设计
中图分类号:TP23 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234215
中文引用格式: 山峰,邹吉炜,刘树峰,等. 基于TMS570的卫星配电热控单元设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(12):149-154.
英文引用格式: Shan Feng,Zou Jiwei,Liu Shufeng,et al. Design of satellite power distribution and thermal control unit based on TMS570[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):149-154.
Design of satellite power distribution and thermal control unit based on TMS570
Shan Feng,Zou Jiwei,Liu Shufeng,Zhang Wei,Jia Xu
Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130000,China
Abstract: In order to adapt to the rapid development trend of low cost, short cycle, and mass production in domestic commercial aerospace, and in response to the current situation of low integration of various systems on the satellite, a satellite power distribution and thermal control management unit is designed with the microcontroller TMS570 as the core. Each module of the system is integrated using an internal bus, and communicates with the central computer through CAN bus for data exchange, achieving functions such as on/off control of power distribution for each component on the satellite, temperature collection and heating bands control for the satellite, power status monitoring, SADA driving, and software updating in orbit. The system has been applied to multiple satellites in the "Jilin-1" constellation, the ground and in orbit test results show that it has the characteristics of low power consumption, low cost, standard interface, high integration, and strong scalability.
Key words : TMS570;internal bus;power distribution;integrated design

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卫星供配电系统是星上变换、调节和分配电能的重要分系统,是卫星在轨运行的安全底线[5-7]。作为卫星平台的一项关键技术,供配电系统的性能、重量和价格对卫星总体设计有重大的影响[8-9]。国外小卫星配电系统基本上采用标准化、模块化的设计思想,将卫星供配电和热控功能进行了集成,Thales Alenia Space公司研制的低功率电源控制与配电管理单元主要包括分流调节模块、放电调节模块、配电模块、热控模块等,所有模块内部通过背板实现电气连接[10-11]。国内在卫星系统集成化设计领域起步较晚,一些单位已开展小卫星配电热控系统集成化的相关研究工作[12-15],但各家单位设计的产品缺少统一的标准支持,通用性差、扩展性不强且研制周期长,因此进行标准化、集成化的配电热控单元的研制具有很大的现实意义和实用价值。





(长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春 130000)

