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C&K 与 CHARLTON 集团合作拓展其在北美汽车市场的地位

关键词: CK CHARLTON 汽车市场

  全球最值得信赖的高品质机电开关品牌 C&K 宣布与为全球最大汽车集团供应产品的全球制造商之经销商 Charlton 合作。Charlton 将与北美的汽车整车制造商合作, 为 C&K 在整车厂和一级供应商那里带来新的机遇。C&K 与 Charlton 的合作将为汽车设计人员提供 C&K 可靠的高性能高质量开关, 以用于他们的创新应用和设计。

  Charlton 集团副总裁兼工业部门负责人 CT Charlton 说:「Charlton 集团非常高兴能够与 C&K 合作, 并将该公司杰出的产品线添加到我们的产品组合中。我们行业中已有 40 年的历史, 并在全球各地拥有办事处, 我们相信 Charlton 将成为 C&K 广泛产品元件的有效销售工具。我们为找到汽车行业最优秀的部件制造商感到自豪, 同时也很荣幸能够为全球领先的机电开关品牌服务。」

  C&K 的汽车开关产品组合具有无与伦比的定制设计功能, 能够承受现代汽车所需的恶劣环境。诸如精密的产品公差、按需定制触感、声学适应性、环境和工艺密封以及机械或电气接口集成等特性都在汽车开关设计过程中至关重要, 可以确保制造商构建可靠和安全的汽车系统。

  C&K 美洲区总经理 Phillip Gerard 表示:「面向关键任务应用的汽车市场需要可靠性和可信性 ─ 而这些应用同时还必须满足行业标准。Charlton 在解决汽车市场的独有问题方面有着悠久的历史, 我们很高兴与他们合作, 向北美的广泛客户展示我们符合行业标准的解决方案。」

  最近, 遍及整个车辆, 从发动机到动力传动系统, 再到人体舒适系统等, 越来越多的汽车电子装置不断涌入, 为需要遵循 ISO 26262 和(IATF)16949 等确保汽车电子系统保障驾驶者和乘客安全的行业标准的汽车制造商增加了设计任务的复杂性。通过与 Charlton 合作, 越来越多的汽车公司将有更多的机会获得 C&K 的高质量、兼容型和可定制的开关, 以便设计人员和工程师能够无需降低标准, 即可创建他们理想的车辆。

  About C&K

  Founded in 1928, C&K is one of the world’s most trusted brands of high-quality electromechanical switches. The company’s unmatched custom design capabilities are recognized globally by design engineers who demand reliable switch performance. C&K offers more than 55,000 standard products and 8.5 million switch combinations to companies that design, manufacture and distribute electronics products. Used in automotive, industrial, IoT, wearables, medical, telecom, consumer products, aerospace, and POS terminals, C&K products include tactile, pushbutton, snap-acting, toggle, rocker, detect, DIP, keyswitch, navigation, rotary, slide, switchlock, thumbwheel, smart card readers, high-rel connectors and custom assemblies. C&K is headquartered in Newton, Mass. with global design centers in Newton Mass., Dole France, and Huizhou China. For more information, please visit www.ckswitches.com or connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

  About Charlton

  Since our inception in 1978, The Charlton Group has grown into a multi-billion dollar company.  We take pride in representing global high quality manufacturers and increasing their sales and reputation worldwide with specific focus in North America and Europe.  The Charlton Group is an engineering oriented value added group offering warehousing, distribution, and detailed program management in the technical and commercial areas.  Charlton maintains offices on 5 continents but we are proud to call Detroit Michigan home.
