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包正晶1,苏马婧1,康 彬2,薛继东1,刘 红1
(1.华北计算机系统工程研究所,北京 100083;2.中国人民解放军96941部队,北京100080)
摘要: 网络空间逐渐成为人类生产活动的第二空间,网络空间测绘对人们了解认识网络空间资源分布、网络关系和威胁情况等具有重要意义。当前对域名这一网络空间重要资产的测绘研究相对较少,因此针对域名资产进行探测分析,结合多源域名数据对域名的基础属性、谱系关系、规模状况和时空变化等情况进行分析,形成域名画像。该研究有助于用户掌握互联网域名整体发展情况,可对网络流量过滤和恶意域名检测、网络空间资产属性识别等提供支撑。
中图分类号: TP311.1
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.06.001
引用格式: 包正晶,苏马婧,康彬,等。 域名画像系统的设计与实现[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(6):1-8.
Design and implementation of domain name portrait system
Bao Zhengjing1,Su Majing1,Kang Bin2,Xue Jidong1,Liu Hong1
(1.National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China; 2.Unit 96941 of PLA,Beijing 100080,China)
Abstract: Cyberspace has gradually become the second space for human production activities. Cyberspace surveying and mapping is of great significance for people to understand the distribution of cyberspace resources, network relationships and threats. However, there are relatively few researches on surveying and mapping domain names, which are important assets in cyberspace. Therefore, this article conducts detection and analysis on domain name assets, and analyzes the basic attributes, genealogical relationships, scale status, and temporal changes of domain names based on multi-source domain name data to map domain name portrait. The research can help grasp the overall development of Internet domain names, and can provide support for network traffic filtering, malicious domain name detection, and network space asset attribute identification.
Key words : domain name portrait;cyberspace mapping;pedigree construction;spatiotemporal change analysis

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包正晶1,苏马婧1,康  彬2,薛继东1,刘  红1

(1.华北计算机系统工程研究所,北京 100083;2.中国人民解放军96941部队,北京100080)
