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信息技术与网络安全 3期
(中国人民公安大学 信息网络安全学院,北京100038)
摘要: 针对因人的不安全行为导致化学实验室安全事故的预防问题,提出了基于三维卷积网络(Convolutional 3D,C3D)的化学实验室人员不安全行为模式识别方法。定义了5种典型的人员不安全行为模式,以某高校化学实验室作为研究区域,构建了人员不安全行为模式数据集,建立了基于C3D的人员不安全行为模式识别模型,并对模型在不同应用场景下的性能进行了评估。结果表明:在特定人员于特定实验场景中出现上述5种不安全行为时,该模型在测试集上得到的F1指数平均值均能达到97%以上;在非特定人员与非特定场景中出现不安全行为时,模型能够有效识别部分不安全行为。该研究成果预期可以为化学实验室人员不安全行为的预测、预警、预防提供技术支持。
中图分类号: TP391.4;TP181
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.03.012
引用格式: 刘凯源. 基于C3D的化学实验室人员不安全行为模式识别[J].信息技术与网络安全,2022,41(3):71-77.
Patterns recognition of unsafe behavior in chemical laboratory based on C3D
Liu Kaiyuan
(School of Information Technology and Cyber Security,People′s Public Security University of China,Beijing 100038,China)
Abstract: In order to prevent chemical laboratory safety accidents caused by unsafe behavior,a patterns recognition method of unsafe behavior in chemical laboratory based on 3D convolutional network(C3D) is proposed. Firstly, five typical unsafe behavior patterns are defined. Then a university chemical laboratory is used as the study area to construct a dataset containing simulated unsafe behavior records. The patterns recognition model of unsafe behavior in chemical laboratory based on C3D is finally established, and the model performances in different scenarios are validated. The results show that under the circumstance that observed unsafe behaviors are from a specific person in a specific experimental scenario, the average F1-score on test set exceeds 97%. As well as, for non-specific persons and scenarios, the model can effectively identify some unsafe behaviors. The results of this research are expected to provide technical support for prediction, early warning and prevention of unsafe behaviors in chemical laboratory.
Key words : unsafe behavior;chemical laboratory;pattern recognition;3D convolutional network

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不安全行为是指可能导致安全事故的行为,往往成为事故的直接原因[3]。根据“海因里希安全法则(Heinrich’s Law)”,化学实验室中可能引起事故的原因主要为人的不安全行为与物的不安全状态[4]。叶元兴等[5]对我国1986~2019年发生的150起实验室安全事故的发生原因进行了统计分析,结果表明,操作不慎、违规操作这两类不安全行为是引发事故最多的两个主要原因,分别为34起和32起(分别占事故总数的22.67%和21.33%)。为应对上述问题,国内很多高校增加监管人员、加强人员培训、增设监控终端设备[6-7]。然而,由于人力成本高昂,大多数监控设备的预测预警能力较弱,高校化学实验室对低成本、智能化的管理手段仍具有显著需求。运用技术手段自动识别人员的不安全行为模式或将成为有效解决以上问题的突破口。




(中国人民公安大学 信息网络安全学院,北京100038)

