您所在的位置:首页 > 模拟设计 > 设计应用 > 基于PCIE转SATA多通道高速存储电路设计与原型验证
电子技术应用 2023年3期
(中国电子科技集团公司第五十八研究所,江苏 无锡 214035)
摘要: 针对传统SATA控制器接口单一且无法充分发挥固态盘性能的问题,设计了一款基于PCIE转SATA多通道高速存储电路。充分利用PCIE总线高带宽低延时特性,并遵循AHCI协议,大幅缩短硬盘无用的寻道次数和数据查找时间,提高固态盘的读写性能,同时本设计可支持4路SATA通道,具有良好的可拓展性。设计结合PCIE和SATA协议特点,介绍了PCIE转SATA高速存储电路的系统架构,详细阐述了基于AHCI协议的数据流传输过程。最后基于FPGA原型验证对电路进行测试,电路的单盘读写速率分别为562 MB/s和527 MB /s,相比传统SATA控制器的读写性能具有较大提升,测试结果表明设计的PCIE转SATA高速存储电路读写性能优异,且具备良好的稳定性和可拓展性。
中图分类号:TN401 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223077
中文引用格式: 王琪,张梅娟,邓佳伟,等. 基于PCIE转SATA多通道高速存储电路设计与原型验证[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(3):72-76.
英文引用格式: Wang Qi,Zhang Meijuan,Deng Jiawei,et al. Design and prototype verification of multi-channel high-speed storage circuit base on PCIE to SATA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(3):72-76.
Design and prototype verification of multi-channel high-speed storage circuit base on PCIE to SATA
Wang Qi,Zhang Meijuan,Deng Jiawei,Yang Chuwei,Zhou Qian
(China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.58 Research Institute, Wuxi 214035, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the traditional SATA controller has a single interface and cannot give full play to the performance of the SSD, a multi-channel high-speed storage circuit based on PCIE to SATA is designed. This design makes full use of the high-bandwidth and low-latency characteristics of the PCIE bus and follows the AHCI protocol, which can greatly reduce the useless seek times and data search time of the hard disk, and improve the read performance. At the same time, the design can support 4 SATA channels and has good scalability. This design combines the characteristics of PCIE and SATA protocols, introduces the system architecture of PCIE to SATA high-speed storage circuit, and elaborates the data stream transmission process based on AHCI protocol. Finally, the circuit is tested based on the FPGA prototype verification. The single-disk read and write rates of the circuit are 562MB/s and 527MB/s, respectively. Compared with the traditional SATA controller, the read and write performance is greatly improved. The test results show that the designed PCIE to SATA high-speed storage circuit has excellent read and write performance, and has good stability and scalability.
Key words : PCIE to SATA;AHCI protocol;multi-channel;FPGA verification

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随着信息化时代的到来,面对数据的爆发式增长,人们对高速存储需求日益迫切。由于SATA(Serial ATA,串行ATA)接口采用串行方式数据传输,具备结构简单、支持热插拔等特点,这使得SATA固态盘应用于各种数据存储场景。PCI Express总线是第三代高性能IO总线,具备点对点串行互连、传输速率快、传输带宽高等特点,广泛地应用于嵌入式、服务器、通信平台和计算系统等领域。


本文基于PCIE和SATA协议设计了一款基于PCIE转SATA的多通道高速存储电路,本设计采用PCIE2.0 x4接口,最高带宽为20 Gb/s,与上游测试主机的PCIE主控制器相连;下游采用4路SATA3.1接口与固态盘相连,单路SATA接口,最高带宽为6 Gb/s,从而该电路具备较高的读写性能和良好的可拓展性。





(中国电子科技集团公司第五十八研究所,江苏 无锡 214035)

