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(北京工业大学 信息学部,北京 100124)
摘要: 中药材对人体疾病的预防及控制具有重要的作用,然而普通百姓对中药材知识了解过少,可能由于滥用中药材而带来不可控的后果。因此,对中药材进行精准识别是一项紧迫的任务。将轻量级神经网络模型应用到中药材识别中,提出在微控制器上实现基于MobileNetV3模型的中药材图像识别系统。首先建立中药材图像数据集,在eIQ机器学习软件开发环境中根据MobileNetV3构建识别基础模型,并通过调整模型参数实现对模型的优化,最后将模型文件部署到i.MX RT1060上,实现了对30种中药材的识别。最终在验证集的准确率达到86.79%。结果表明,在i.MX RT1060上实现中药材识别具有很好的实际效果。
中图分类号:TP183 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.233788
中文引用格式: 韩德强,李宗耀,杨淇善,等. 基于eIQ的中药材图像识别系统的设计与实现[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(10):118-123.
英文引用格式: Han Deqiang,Li Zongyao,Yang Qishan,et al. Design and implementation of image recognition system for Chinese medicinal materials based on eIQ[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(10):118-123.
Design and implementation of image recognition system for Chinese medicinal materials based on eIQ
Han Deqiang,Li Zongyao,Yang Qishan,Gao Xueyuan
(Faculty of Information Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
Abstract: Chinese herbal medicines play an important role in the prevention and control of human diseases, but the general public's knowledge of Chinese medicinal materials is too little, which may bring uncontrollable consequences due to the abuse of Chinese medicinal materials. Therefore, the accurate identification of Chinese medicinal materials is an urgent task. In this paper, the lightweight neural network model is applied to the recognition of Chinese medicinal materials, and an image recognition system based on the MobileNetV3 model is proposed on a microcontroller. Firstly, the image dataset of Chinese medicinal materials is established, the recognition basic model is built according to MobileNetV3 in the eIQ machine learning software development environment, and the model is optimized by adjusting the model parameters, and finally the model file is deployed to i.MX RT1060. Image recognition of 30 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials was realized, and the accuracy rate in the verification set reached 86.79%. The results showed that the image recognition of Chinese medicinal materials on i.MX RT1060 has a good practical effect.
Key words : MCU;identification of Chinese herbal medicines;MobileNetV3;convolutional neural network

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目前,中药材的智能识别主要依靠复杂的深度神经网络实现。其中,吴冲等利用人工智能和机器视觉技术设计出一种检测贝母、山楂及半夏饮片质量方法[2]。张志光通过向YOLO4目标检测算法中加入Non-local注意力机制和RFB(Receptive Field Block,增强感受野)模块来提升算法在复杂背景和不同尺度下中药饮片的识别性能[3]。徐飞等通过强化特征提取改进的AlexNet模型对5类中草药叶片进行训练并通过增广数据集,提高了中草药图像分类的准确率[4]。李鑫利用Faster- RCNN算法对黄芪、白术、白芷、白芨、西洋参五种药材进行训练并搭建了中药饮片图像识别模型[5]。

由于借助神经网络实现中药材识别需要大量的矩阵运算、存储空间和功耗,因此大多依赖图形处理器(Graphic Processing Unit,GPU)或服务器实现,不但成本较高,而且在实际使用中非常不便。然而微控制器(Microcontroller Unit, MCU)却具有体积小、功耗低、成本低以及高实时性的优势。并且随着轻量级神经网络模型和拥有高性能、高主频且包含有算力扩展的Cortex-M7内核的MCU的出现,使得在MCU平台上实现中药材识别变为了可能。

本文针对目前在MCU平台无法实现复杂深度神经网络的应用和中药材图像数据集不足的问题,提出了在MCU平台实现基于MobileNetV3模型的中药材图像识别系统。借助eIQ机器学习软件开发环境构建MobileNetV3-Small模型,通过采用Hard-swish激活函数、Adam优化器等,修改模型参数完成对中药材数据集的训练与验证,并对模型进行量化和压缩操作,将最终生成的模型文件部署至i.MX RT1060开发板上,实现对中药材的识别。




(北京工业大学 信息学部,北京 100124)

